Adrian Izadpanah

My Portfolio

An aspiring web developer who has worked the past 2 years as a 1st & 2nd line Technical Customer Support Analyst, ready to face a new challange and progress my career within the programming sector.

Holiday Site

This is the most recent website that I have created. It shows that I have developed on my web development skills.

Candy Shop

This is another website I created, showing some of the skills that I have learnt in coding, enjoy!

Xbox site

This is an xbox prototype website that I built and it is the first website I created.

Todo App

This is a todo app which allows you to add and remove things that you need todo! This was built using jQuery.

Random Number Game

This is a random number generator game I created, it has 3 difficulties and you have 5 lives to guess the correct number.


My name is Adrian Izadpanah and I am an aspiring web developer. I have spent the last couple years working as a 1st and 2nd line IT Technician, which reignited my passion and love for software development. Having spent 5 years in college and university studying Software Development I left achieving a GNVQ, BTEC National Diploma and a Foundation Degree. The area, in which I thrived and enjoyed the most, was always web development. Designing and building web pages, always left me with a sense of achievement and I knew this was something I wanted to do for a living.

Whilst working I have spent the last half a year, in my spare time, reeducating and up skilling myself. Completing 2 online boot camp courses, these include C++ and web development. Thus this has enabled me to build the above portfolio. I have used an array of tools to build my portfolio and these include HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery and bootstrap. Since having created my portfolio I have built on and expanded my knowledge and have also learnt SASS, GIT, node js, express js and mongoDB.

I am looking for the opportunity to further my skills and join a team and am eager to further learn and develop as a developer.